Trip Insurance
Cancellation Policy: Elevate cannot be responsible for personal emergencies, inclement weather, or other unforeseen circumstances. We do not offer refunds or a change of dates. If the Town of Highlands temporarily disallows short term rentals, guests will be credited for their stay up to 1 year from the initial reservation. Please note this is a credit- higher or lower rates may apply if there is a change in season.
We never go anywhere
without it…
Elevate has proudly partnered with a Rental Guardian as a third party company offering travel insurance. Even if you decline, we strongly suggest renters obtain travel insurance, as we cannot be liable for personal emergencies, inclement weather, or other unforeseen circumstances.
At the time of checkout, renters have 2 options for rental insurance or you may obtain any after-market rental insurance of your choosing.
Traditional travel insurance. This fully reimburses the cost of the booking, if a covered event occurs that forces the guest to cancel the trip. These are things like being hospitalized. This can be purchased by citizens of almost any country.
Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) insurance. This is what it sounds like - it pays out if the guest cancels the trip for any reason at all, even one that isn't covered. The catch is that it only pays out 60% of the costs if you don't have a covered reason. At the moment, this can be purchased only by U.S. citizens.